Create your Token on Polygon

Easily deploy your Smart Contract for a Standard, Capped, Mintable, Burnable ERC20 Token.
No login. No setup. No coding required.


Select the base configuration of your token (Free and Basic have limited configurations)
The name of your token
Your token's symbol (ie MATIC)
The number of decimal of your token (default 18)


Fixed / Capped / Unlimited
The number of coins minted during the creation of the contract
The maximum number of coins ever minted


Your token will const all the functionalities, and conforms to ERC20 protocol
The source code of your contract is automatically published and verified
A link pointing to this page will be added in the description of your contract (Free and Basic contracts only)
Allow the creation of new tokens in the future
Allow your tokens to be burned
Allow your tokens to be paused
Allow to recover any ERC20 tokens sent to your contract
Limit the maximum token holding per wallet.
Add a tax on transactions.
Add a comment with your social media and website urls, on the source code of your contract.
Who can administer your contract

Owner: Your wallet address will be set as the owner of your token to perform administratives tasks (ie, mint new tokens).

Roles: All admin tasks (mint, burn, etc...) will be available to different users, based on their roles. By default, your wallet's address will be given all the roles.



Commission fee:
Gas fee: