Solana Token Manager

Mint and burn tokens, update metadata, manage and revoke authorities and update or collect the tax of your Solana token.

Freeze / Unfreeze accounts

Manage your token's frozen accounts.

Select the token to update
Enter 1 address per line


What is minting and burning tokens?

Minting creates new tokens and adds them to circulation, while burning permanently removes them, reducing the total supply. Minting is only possible with the mint authority wallet.

How are metadata managed for SPL Token and Token-2022?

For SPL Tokens, metadata are stored separately using Metaplex Token Metadata Program. Token-2022 introduces built-in metadata support, allowing updates directly within the token program using extensions. Both enable customization, including name, symbol, and URI for additional details.

Why revoke my token's mint or freeze authority?

Revoking mint or freeze authority prevents further token creation or account restrictions, ensuring the token supply remains fixed and decentralized. This helps build trust and prevents unwanted changes.

Where is the tax stored for a Token-2022, and how to collect it?

Token-2022's built-in tax allows a portion of each transfer to be collected. The amount collected remains on the sender's account and is frozen until the designed authority collects it.

Your can use our tax collector tool to simplify the process.

What are frozen / unfrozen accounts?

The Freeze authority has the ability to restrict accounts from executing transaction involving the token, often due to compliance or administrative reasons.

Note that some DEX requires the freeze authority to be renounced before creating liquidity pools.